The technique of intaglio engraving is called glyptics (from the Greek "gluphéin" meaning "to engrave"). It first appeared in the Near East, particularly in Mesopotamia, with the manufacture of cylinder seals, as early as the third millennium BC. It then developed among the Egyptians, notably in the form of the scarab. Then came the Greeks, who used various semi-precious stones, and finally the Romans, who also developed the cameo (engraved in relief). In Antiquity, intaglios, engraved in relief, were most often set in a ring and used mainly as a seal or personal seal.

Designer of antique, archaeological and contemporary rings

Winged Lapis


Ring set with a lapis lazulli intaglio representing a winged bull with a hump set in 18K gold. 

In mythology, the bull is a symbol of strength, energy and fertility.


Persia, Sassanid period, 3rd-7th century




Coin depicting the face of a helmeted Roma on the obverse, silver and set in 18K gold.

The Phrygian helmet is adorned with a griffin’s head symbolising victorious Rome.

The X on the left is a value mark signifying that one denarius is worth 10 aces, or 10 copper coins. This denarius was almost exclusively minted in Italy between 215 and 140 BC, when new types of representation came to compete with it.


Roma, -215-140 BC


Roman temple


Ring set with a carnelian intaglio representing a temple, a very rare representation in ancient Rome.  Set in 18K gold.


753 BC-476 AD


Romantic cameo


Ring with a cameo representing a female profile, set in 18k gold, stylized gold bead ring.


Europe, Romantic period, late 18th-early 19th century


Peacock intaglio


Ring comprising a tricolour agate intaglio depicting a bird surrounded by two peacocks, surrounded by flowers.

Mounted with its negative impression, 18K gold.

Greco-Roman art -753 to 476


Three-coloured peridot


Ring consisting of a peridot stone, set in 18K gold with relief effect and sculpted silver ring.


Carnelian monkey 


Carnelian stone representing Thot.

Set in 18K gold claws.

Thoth is the son of Horus and Set. The birth of the moon is linked to the appearance of the Eye of Horus and the birth of the God Thoth. 

He plays the role of arbiter between the gods, protects Iris during her pregnancy and heals her son Horus.

He is represented as a baboon or ibis.


Egypt, New Kingdom to Roman period, 1580 to 30 BC


Agate with a deer


Agate intaglio engraved with a bucolic scene depicting a deer under a stylised tree.

Set in 18K gold with a matching impression.


Ancient Rome, VI-IV century BC


Green water beetle


Green lapis lazulli.

Set in 18K gold.

The word scarab, Kheper, is used to write the verb “to become” and to name the king’s coronation. The beetle is thus symbolic of the daily birth of the sun. A protector of the living, it is a symbol of rebirth for the dead.


Egypt, New Empire to Ptolemy, 1580-367 BC


Agathe with philosopher 


Three-coloured agathe ring depicting a philosopher’s profile. 

Glass paste mounted on 18K gold with coiled wire effects. 


Ancient Roma, 753 BC – 476 AD




Carnelian amulet representing the Apis bull, set in 18K gold.

Apis, the sacred bull, was venerated as a symbol of fertility and physical strength.


Egypt, New Kingdom to Roman period, 1580 to 30 BC


Golden lava


Ring consisting of a lava stone with a gold bead in the centre.


Silver set in gold


Golden lion


Carnelian cylinder representing a surprising bucolic scene, a priest and a lion under a tree.

Mounted with a facing impression, 18 K gold. 


Ancient Rome, VI-IV century BC


Senet ring


Ring consisting of a dice from the Senet game, in the shape of a cylinder, made of lapis lazuli. 

Senet, which can be compared to our game of goose, had a board with thirty squares. It was highly prized by the aristocracy, and is often depicted in frescoes showing a pharaoh, queen or nobleman playing with a god to symbolise his passage into the afterlife and his right to enter the kingdom of Osiris.


Egypt, New Kingdom to Roman period, 1550 to 30 BC


Cocktail ring 


Surmounted by a cushion-shaped hessonite garnet, set in 18K gold with interlaced wires. 


France, 50’s




Stone from Ceylon, set in 18k gold and hammered silver


Millefiori pearl


Mosaic, earthenware, representing coloured flowers on a green background. Set on 18K gold and silver ring.

In their original function, these pearls were not coins, but decorative jewellery or talismans.


Ancient Roma, 50 BC to 350 AD


Lapis Ibex


Lapis blue glass bead scarab engraved with an ibex. Mounted in 18k gold with a silver ring.


Orient, V to IV BC


Precious cameo


Cameo representing a woman’s profile. Mounted in 18k gold. The cameo, like the intaglio, refers to the art of glyptics. Unlike intaglios, which are engraved in relief, cameos are worked in relief. 

It takes its name from the Italian “cameo”, certainly in reference to the cameo of coloured layers in the stones used.


Its heyday was during the reign of the emperor Augustus, in the 1st century AD.


Diamond breastplate


Ring consisting of a gold breastplate button with an old-cut diamond in the centre.


France, 19th century

The first coin was created around 650 BC in the Mediterranean basin. Its inventor was Gyges, a king of Lydia, a country in Asia Minor near the Aegean Sea. Before that, however, China was one of the first countries in the world to use cowrie shells as currency, as early as the end of the Neolithic period. Some pieces were produced in hundreds, others in thousands, but they all come from the depths of time, reminding us that trade between humans is as old as the hills, but that it did not prevent beauty from expressing itself through this simple everyday object.



Ring consisting of a silver piece representing Artaban II, bareheaded with a triple headband and a bow falling behind the neck, mounted in 18K gold. 


Kingdom of Parthia, 12 to 40 A.D.


Alexander the Great


Ring consisting of a tetradrachm of Alexander the Great bearing the horn of the god Ammon, on the reverse Athena, goddess of war and wisdom. Mounted in 18K gold

Alexander was born in 356 BC, the son of Philip II, King of Macedonia, who was assassinated in 336. At the age of 20, Alexander embarked on a series of conquests, penetrating the Asian continent as far as the Indus, conquering Anatolia, Lebanon, Egypt and Persia, and founding numerous cities. 

This epic came to an abrupt end in Babylon: Alexander, who was suffering from a high fever, died in 323 without an heir.


Thrace, 306 to 282 BC


Solidus Theodosius


Solidus struck in Constantinople, representing Theodosius II, in 24K gold

Theodosius II, Emperor of the East, was an educated ruler who founded the University of Constantinople, then the capital of the Roman Empire.


Constantinople, 402-450


Carved Alexander

Ring consisting of a tetradrachm of Alexander the Great bearing the horn of the god Ammon

Set in 18K gold with relief texture

Thrace, 306 to 282 BC


Creation of unique and exclusive jewellery, entirely hand-mounted and resolutely contemporary. I work with amulets, coins and intaglios from ancient civilisations such as Greece, Babylon, Egypt, Rome and Mesopotamia. Each piece is appraised, its integrity respected – no glue, no drilling – and transformed into a luxury jewel.